One of my favorite, most inspiring sayings is "Just to be is a blessing; just to live is holy" by Rabbi Abraham Heschel. My faith derives from the Holy Bible revealed to the children of Abraham's tradition. Hasidism inspires me, in its joy rising out of faith in the care of a nurturing, "parental," encouraging, transformative Spirit.

You believe in nonviolent revolution. You are in great company. Here's another little spur I've collected: "The revolutionary potential of the written word lies less in the dictum "Speak truth to power" than it does in gathering the power of the disaffected." (Mychal Denzel Smith in *Stakes Is High: Life After The Americam dream*)

You are committed to the good of the whole community. Here's another statement to support your value: "Hope is the basis for taking responsibility; for claiming our capacity tp create, to make a genuinely new thing. It is also the springboard for trying to act justly; and for accepting absolutely our incorporation into each other. It is not simply that we share with each other a common humanity, but that individually we have no humanity without each other." (Sara Maitland in *A Big Enough God*)

Many people have said, "We're in this thing together." I believe this also includes those who oppose us, though they don't think so.

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Is your marriage still an orthodox marriage?

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