Elad, thank you. As a Polish Jewish immigrant raised by Holocaust survivors, I have perhaps more personal sensitivity to what you’re describing than the average white American. And as an anti-occupation Jew, I note with mounting alarm that Congress has asked Janet Yellen, Secretary of the Treasury, to report on the banking activities of a wide list of nonprofits thought to support college student protests against Israeli genocide. How much distance between this action and the freezing of bank accounts of donors to Jewish Voice for Peace and Palestinian rights groups? Not enough for my comfort.

My great-grandfather saved half of our family from Nazi extermination because the day Hitler invaded Poland, he sold his textile factory in Łódź to his Gentile partners, freeing up cash that later paid for hiding places, false identities, and other life-saving resources. As a lesbian married to a Black woman working in racial equity-focused philanthropy, I find myself wondering which trigger might put us in peril, and how to best anticipate it. One day soon, these discussions may be safer in person - for now, I’m not ready to surrender self-expression.

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Non-Christians are at risk as well, and they include Muslims and atheists. Project 2025 includes a proposal to enact a constitutional amendment exclusively "protecting Christian."

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I agree with you. But you didn't mention antisemitism/antiZionism. And I've never before felt those in my lifetime (and I'm 70). We cannot ignore them. It's very frightening out there.

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